Not Awesomic… not at all.
1st impression is the last impression dear Awesome + cosmic!
Great visual design, cool copyrighting and funding from Y-combinator is completely of no use… if you don’t have human touch to your platform.
All your AI algorithm cannot detect a simple location.
At least, put the locations manually where you are operational currently.
And please, don’t put dummy email ID to contact you.
crushing the hope, wasting time and collecting data of talent into your servers… making the candidates to sign up and fill the application form.
-These are my expressions from my tweets.
Now read the full story… or let’s say user experience journey…
There is a new age (as claimed by them) design platform or service called (I got to know about them via daryl ginn’s portal: Godly Job Board) for my surprise this web platform is financially backed by Y-combinator.
I had a big bad experience with the so called new age design service enablers. They showoff so much in visual design and copywriting but beneath the skin it’s a pretty bad experience for the visiting talent or candidates.
“Initially, I was so thrilled that finally I discovered such a useful service where… there is a chance to get some interesting freelance work without too much of hassle. “
So, I set out to explore the platform visually and by the copywriting it looked desirable, so I made my mind to register in the talent section.
Then, only all the makeup came apart! Here is my user journey… see the blocks written below in bolds.
1st impression of Awesomic Big Road Blocked experience!
I excitedly, read their Terms and conditions… filled all the signup and application details…. then I get this message.
Okay, no problem! … but you just wasted my hope, time and energy.
Since they have given an Email address to contact… I thought to give them some feedback via email.
So, written to them… and get this Gmail system delivery message.
Most probably their email ID provided in the message is just a dummy or they haven’t paid their Email provider the subscription fees.
Do you want to know what exactly I had written in the Email?
“Hi Team Awesomic,
your portal and service is unique with a very friendly tone of voice in the copywriting.
You are working with AI algorithms but I just wasted 30 to 40 minutes to fill all the signup and application details…. then I get this message.
You should be able to tell the visitor applicant that your location is not serviceable at the moment… It’s an annoying example of your portal’s User Experience… If we put it straight, bad UX!
wasting time and energy of the visitor asking to sign up… fill the application then pop a message “we don’t work with the location by now.”
Thank you!
just thought to let you know.
so that other visiting applicants may be saved by an annoying and frustrating experience.”
Thank you all for reading this!
let me know in your comments what do you think of this post? This is to let Awesomic know that keeping a name like that doesn’t make you awesome… and to make other candidates’ life easy to make them aware about it.
#badexperience #awesomic #design_platform #bad_candidate_experience #badUX #awesomic_is_not_awesome #Y_combinator #funded #daryl_ginn #godly #job_board #remote #remote_but_not_remote #user_journey #actual_user_experience #dummy_email_id #beneath_the_skin #good_visual_design #bad_experience #good_copywriting #but_not #good_intentions
Disclaimer: All the images/screen shots, videos and links shown here belong to respected owners and shared here for appreciation/review purpose.