Lottie Creator (Beta)
I was creating a website needed some lightweight animation.
Microsoft Bing Copilot search showed up around Lottie Files. It seems to be an interesting platform.
Must check it out!
As I was exploring the website a message came around… to join a waiting list.
They are launching Lottie Creator which is in Beta stage. They are open for suggestions and feedback. Asked me to give suggestions through and online survey form.
Since, I already had a few thoughts in this space, I given them a detailed point by point suggestion list.
Hey, Lottie Files Team, here are my suggestions for your upcoming Lottie Creator Application.
#1 First and foremost feature I need is That I have drawn characters on paper.
#2 I have cleaned them.
#3 Created a Rigged Model sheet.
#4 I shall be able to Scan or photo them via your mobile App.
#5 Your System should capture them as Vector or SVG (With a supporting UI to increase and decrease Shape smoothness or organic look.)
(1. Have you seen Adobe Capture…. but it doesn’t have much use… it is like Bitmap trace.
2. You Should study Samsung Note shape-enabled S-pen draw feature…It is pretty good. Please, study this feature.
This will be useful for people who directly want to draw on a digital screen)
I hope, this will help!
All the best Lottie Creator Team.
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All the images/screen shots, videos and links shown here belong to respected owners and shared here for appreciation purpose.
#LottieFiles #LottieCreator #Beta #Waitinglist #NewProduct #Survey #Survey #Form #Feedback #FeatureRequest #WebAnimation #Lightweight #Customization #Create #Edit #AdobeCapture #BitmapTrace #Shape #Smoothness #Organic #SamsungNotes #Spen #Shape #Recognition #Vector #SVG #ux #userexperience #product_innovation