Biased attitude and billing methods of major international App makers towards India.
“Why do major international App makers like: Adobe… fool Indian users?”
There are many SaaS companies who are behaving this way.
My emotions triggered after seeing Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription advertisement running on Facebook.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Why my emotions got triggered? I have had Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription made for individuals.
That time… these 3 tools..
Adobe Xpress (AI features)
…were not there.
No doubt that Adobe has best of the Visual Design Applications.
I have burnt my fingers 🔥 🤌🏻 with Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription for 3 to 4 years.
I was working 9 to 6 full day permanent job… there was hardly any time for me to use these tools. May be my average usage in a month will be around 6 to 7 hours and I was paying around ₹4000/- per month plus GST and International Credit Card transaction fees because Adobe doesn’t have a Payment gateway in India and charge the subscription fees from Amsterdam. So the International transaction charges came in to my lap.
It is okay for corporate subscribers… they can afford it, and their office might be using these products at-least 4 to 5 hours daily. So monthly usage may be upto 135 hours…which is kind of value for money.
But for an individual user… it is way to expensive and not at all a value proposition.
Some questions to Adobe Marketing research team.
Do they really understand B2C Market?
Do they know the conditions and ground realities of Indian youth and freelance designers??
My understanding of Indian reality
“ India is totaly different demographic country where people are surving on 5 Kg free food grains. 83% people are unemployed. ”
“ Please, don’t redcarpet your Subscription plan with trowing numbers like 58% off. ”
How much it comes down to actual cost after 58% discount?
Please, tell the price of the subscription in rupees with GST.
By the way... have you established a Payment Gateway in India?? Or still billing from Netherlands??? I had a subscription for 3 to 4 years... and I had to pay the international credit card transaction fees which was all and avobe all the subscription fees plus GST.
“ I had given feedback about it thousand times. ”
Four Points to Ponder:
1• Do you accept UPI payments?
2• Do you accept Debit card payment??
3• Do you give bills to user… like Electricity and Piped gas companies do?
4• Why do you have yearly subscription?
Star ⭐ Suggestion:
Pre paid Subscription
Why don’t you tie up with G-Pay, Samsung Pay, Phone Pe and Paytm for Pre Paid Subscription Recharge???
India is totaly different demographic country where people are surving on 5 Kg free food grains. 83% people are unable employed.
Please, don’t redcarpet your Subscription plan with throwing numbers like 58% off.
The best strategy for Adobe B2C Market will Pre Paid Subscription on hourly basis.
12 hours
24 hours
48 hours
60 hours
As you must be aware many companies in your home country America hire people on hourly rate basis the same model could be applied on your Creative Cloud Subscription.
No wastage of money 🤑 and you will have happy Indian customers adopting your products.
Look at Spotify premium subscription it gives you ₹25/- Subscription for a week.
You got to know the ground realities of India, and it’s tattered economic conditions.
“ I tried to find out about you billing from Netherlands via Microsoft Co-pilot App.”
Here are the findings:
About setting up a Point of Sell in India.
So, the cost can not be an issue for company like Adobe who has ample amount of funds and 2 full time operational offices…🫴🏼🫥 utilising cheap labour cost of coders and designers of India.
My second question to Microsoft Co-pilot was:
Then why Adobe does not has a POS Online Payment Gateway set up in India?
The Bias
India into it's priority country list.
So Please, stop pushing your ambiguous Facebook Advertisement on my timeline. You have no vision for open source and free applications… you captured Figma to Save your Adobe XD now you are trying to fight Canva with your Adobe Xpress.
I have doubt one day we will hear Canva is bought by Adobe.
Thank you for scrolling till the end of the post. I will be happy to hear your point of views in the comments. If you don’t have time for comment… clap👏🏻for it.
All the images/screenshots, videos, and links shown here belong to respected owners and are shared here for appreciation and review purposes.
#Adove #AdoveCreativeCloud #Biased #Billing #Methods #NoValueForMoney #India #Cheaplabour #Utilisation #NoIndianPaymentGateway #BilledFromNetherlands #Monopoly #Figma #Canva #DebitCard #UPIpayments #GPay #PhonePe #Paytm